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Marshfield Children's Hospital

Marshfield, Wisconsin

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Dance Marathon Fundraising Totals: Feb. 22-24, 2019

Network Post

Over the weekend of February 22-24, 35 collegiate and independent high school Dance Marathon programs hosted their annual events, resulting in a total of $4,290,261.70 raised #ForTheKids at local Children’s Miracle...

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Running with Heart

Network Post

This post was submitted by Melissa Lasbury, a runner in the 2019 Disney Princess Half Marathon, for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through  This will be my fifth year running the Disney...

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Inspiration from the toughest beginnings.

Network Post

This post was submitted by Bruce Donaldson, a runner in the 2019 Disney Princess Half Marathon, for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through  On the 10th of March, 2008, my wife...

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Marshfield Children's Hospital located in Marshfield, WI

Marshfield Children's Hospital, a hospital within a hospital, is dedicated to excellence in the health care of children. Affiliated with the world renowned Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield Children's Hospital has access to most major subspecialties. It has a designated pediatric unit, pediatric cancer area, and the highest-level NICU. In addition, the Pediatric Level 2 trauma center has the only specialized, and highest-level intensive care unit exclusively for children in north central Wisconsin. From the Magnet designated nursing care to the dually certified child life team, Marshfield Children's Hospital offers family-centered, high-tech care — close to home.

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